- Post By Zacharie Prigent
- 1 year ago
- Post Type Public
Hi everyone !
It's my first post here and I have a few questions on post-processing's
manipulations and on variables' meaning :
1) How can I get the surface areas of the components' interfaces
on TCAE (Paraview interface) or in the calculation case's folders
2) The TCAE user manual indicate that here are 2circumferential
angles : the axial and the radial circumferential angles. To
analyse my data, I need to extract the radial circumferential
angle. However, withe the option 'calculateAngles on' in
.../stationary/system/interfaces.fun, I only get one
circumferential angle : circAng. How can I know which one is it
(radial or axial) ? Or a mix of both ?
3) How is the mass flow rate calculated on the interfaces, with
the absolute speed or with the flow speed (the radial speed for
the mass flow at the outlet of a centrifugal impeller for example)
I hope someone will be able to help me on these topics... Thanks in advance !