Unable to recreate pipe example
- Post By Garry Bale
- 1 month ago
- Post Type Public
I am looking to simulate the power output of an in pipe axial turbine, I don't have any experience in CFD simulations and I've decided to brake down the project into 3 parts, first I am going to simulate just the pipe in which the turbine is going to be housed, then a static state with the turbine in the pipe, and finally setup the rotation of the turbine.
I've made a quick 3D model of the pipe and I tried copying the setup from the pipe example, I ran into a problem where the mesher consumes all the available RAM on the computer and locks it up, I assume the STL mesh has a hole somewhere but I couldn't find it, I've had issues before with glitches in STL meshes made in Rhinoceros 3D, the modeling program I used, so I decided to recreate the pipe example with the STLs from the example, and that meshed successfully, but I got an error in the TCFD part "TCFD calculation failed. Please consult the chapter 'Rescue list' in the TCAE Manual for possible reasons of the failure.", I couldn't find the Rescue list chapter in the manual online.
Also the TCAE Output gives this error:
"Application decomposePar failed.
For detailed information check error log at: "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\CFD Test\CFD_test\simulationRun1\TCFD\logRun\solve-err-decomposePar-stationary-1.log"".
And in that log file is:
Cannot find patchField entry for Co1_pipe-wall_wall
file: C:/Users/Name/Desktop/CFD Test/CFD_test/simulationRun1/TCFD/stationary/0/nut/boundaryField from line 32 to line 54.
From function void Foam::GeometricField<Type, PatchField, GeoMesh>::Boundary::readField(const Foam::DimensionedField<TypeR, GeoMesh>&, const Foam::dictionary&) [with Type = double; PatchField = Foam::fvPatchField; GeoMesh = Foam::volMesh]
in file /opt/OpenFOAM-dev/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/GeometricBoundaryField.C at line 184.
FOAM exiting"
Attached is a rough diagram of how will the setup work.
I don't have an idea what to try next, and would be thankful for any assistance.