Hello Everyone,
I am trying to simulate, bubble formation in two fluids, oil + water. How can I calculate the mass of the bubbles, formed in each phase?
Thank you
Hello Everyone,
I am trying to simulate, bubble formation in two fluids, oil + water. How can I calculate the mass of the bubbles, formed in each phase?
Thank you
In CFD we generally have a problem when we encounter something that is supposed to move on its "free will". One of these problems is an unknown rotation speed of a turbomachinery rotor. Common practice is that the user prescribes flow boundary conditions for one specific case or does a full spectrum of operational conditions including rotation speed. But what if he knows an input aerodynamic or shaft torque and wants to obtain a stable rotation speed (with no acceleration)?
One way is to use the TOPT algorithm where you look for a minimum of optimization function prescribed as (target_torque - calculated_torque)^2.
First I calculated a torque for 187 RPM. Then I set this torque to our optimization function and ran TOPT with RPMs as a parameter.
After several runs, the RPMs started to converge around the value of 187 as they should. The DIRECT algorithm was still trying other options, but got to the minimum of our function relatively quickly.
Axial Turbine Stage - test topic. Axial Turbine Stage CFD. It is hard not to be emotional when seeing an axial turbine stage CFD. The axial turbine stage was our first big CFD project made here at CFDSUPPORT. In a way, it had preset our destiny - turbomachinery simulations. Here is a little example of how now, ten years later, TCAE runs the whole complex process in one command (or click). By TCFD: https://www.cfdsupport.com/axial-turbine-cfd-simulation.html
I am trying to add heat transfer model in MPPICFoam, however my limited knowledge in advanced openFoam could not crush it.
Mainly I am trying to replace kinematicCloud with ThermoCloud.
I am trying to simulate heat transfer between continuous phase and discrete particles. Can someone please provide any insights on this?
I'm trying for the first time to use the "Add hosts" feature which, if I understand correctly, allows us to use computing cores on machines that are on the same network as ours.
So I try to add a host whose IP is for example, whose username is User1 and which has 4 cores. On my machine, for example, I want to allocate 8 cores for the calculation, i.e. a total of 12 cores. Both our machines are Linux machines.
1) I have already sent him my public authentication key id_rsa.pub so that I can connect to it without entering a password with
2) I have already installed on this machine the same version that I use of TCAE (23.03v3)
3) I also run source $HOME/TCAE/TCAE-23.03v3/OpenFOAM-dev/etc/bashrc-release on machine
However, on the GUI, the info tells me that the host is not known. What did I miss?
Thanks for your help
What is the meaning of the option "Add volume source" in scalar (Multiphysics). Is the source volume linked to an inlet patch or can it be also inside the computation volume?
In this new version of TCAE 23.03v1, the command mode
echo $OPTION > $TCAEproject/cfdp-command.txt
kill -SIGINT $TCAEpid
doesn't work. I guess due to the several changes in all TCAE project repertories, the file cfdp-command.txt has also change. Probably the name, it format or it location?
Hello everyone,
I'm having a problem with a value (Cp: specific heat) that I want to set as default in all my TCAE projects. For that I modified the file TCAE-23.03v1/TCAE/etc/CAEProcessorDefaults.tcae by adding
Cp "1800_J/(kg.K)"
When I create a new TCAE project, the value of Cp is well defined at 1800 J/kg/K. However, it seems that when through the GUI I set the value to 0
and that I save, restore then check, no error is reported and I can run the simulation without any problem. That's when I looked at the TCAEproject/setup file and I was surprised to see that the heat capacity value was changed to
Cp "1004_J/(kg.K)"
This value corresponds to the air, originally set by default in the CAEProcessorDefaults.tcae configuration file.
So why my value that I set to 1800 J/kg/K was not returned ?
I would like to present my current project for further experiments with TCAE and TOPT.
It is a parametric axial fan created in the OpenVSP free parametric CAD primarily used for aviation purposes. It allows controlling the geometry with pre-programmed parameters and their further linking. It can also be controlled by external scripts. All these functions are perfect premises for geometry optimization with our TOPT module.
This model is designed for catalogue-like making of fans for defined conditions. You create a spectrum of axial fan variation and then choose which one suits the best (with consideration on parameters like pressure drop or aerodynamic torque and then fan efficiency calculated from them).
model will be used in the upcoming TCAE tutorial, where only a few basic
blade parameters will be modified. Its main purpose there will be demonstration of the TOPT capabilities and their potential use in industrial
could you help me, I am trying to run a simulation in parallel but the code for the "Interfoam" solver does not run, the "decomposePar" command works correctly. I attach screenshots in the following link (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1y6dm_L3zLdJ-O3ajiX3d1T9r6SUTQiNo?usp=share_link)
Best regards
i have installed Cygwin in my computer to compile fortran code and it work fine. i want to first know if it is possible to run Openfoeam with Cygwin as it is a linux interface on window system and if it is possible, help to how we can do it.
Hello everyone,
I have seen that it exists a new option called --apply-diff for the CAEProcessor command. The help just said that it "changes the project setting by specifying the path to the text file with TCAE configuration keywords, which are to be changed." And the example give us only
CAEProcessor --project fan --apply-diff changes.txt --save-as fan-2
But I wonder what is the information and format of this changes.txt file?
Hello everyone,
I have just installed the new version 23.03v1.
I wonder in which cases it is necessary / recommanded / relevant to enable "Use external geometries / meshes (file will not be imported into the project)" in TMESH in this new version 23.03v1 ? I have noticed that in TCAE/tutorials repertory, it is enable only when TOPT is used.
In my case I have got an already meshed geometries from FLUENT but I have seen that it is possible to both enable/disable this feature. But I have encountered some issues when it is disabled. More specificaly, sometimes, when I restore the project, one interface (inlet/outletInterface) disappear.
What do you recommend?
This is a practice exercise for one of my subjects. Currently I want to simulate this setting (automatic chicken feeder). My product frequently breaks at the arrow position. The material is PP (Polypropylene) plastic (the pipe part is steel). I want to simulate the broken position and the direction of improvement? Anyone who has a way to handle this can help me more (where should I put contacts, ..)? Thank you